Terms and Conditions
Updated 4th May 2024
Table of Contents

 1.1 Admissions, Enrolment and Re-enrolment
 1.2 Educational Programme and Placement
 1.3 Health and Well-being
 1.4 Medical
 1.5 Late Visa arrival/refusal
 1.6 Exclusion from School
 1.7 Additional Activities and Service
 1.8 Individual Needs
 1.9 Uniform
 1.10 Lunch Services

 2.1 Fees for Academic Year 2024-2025
 2.1.1 Administration and Registration Fees
 2.1.2 Tuition Fees
 2.2 Payment of Fees
 2.3 Conditions of Withdrawal
 2.4 Late Pick-up Fees
 3.1 Global Admissions Terms and Conditions
 3.1.1 Definitions in the Legal Information
 3.1.2 School’s Obligations
 3.1.3 Compliance with School Rules and Regulations
 3.1.4 Collection from School
 3.1.5 Approval from Parents
 3.1.6 Liability Waiver
 3.1.7 Theft
 3.1.8 Payment of Fees
 3.1.9 Withdrawal and refund of fees
 3.1.10 Change of Details
 3.1.11 Failure to Disclose
 3.1.12 General statement regarding truth and accuracy
 3.1.13 Enforceability of Terms and Conditions
 3.1.14 Entirety of Terms and Conditions
 3.1.15 Governing Law
 3.1.16 Acceptance of an Offer
 3.2 Authorisation to Participate in School Trips
 3.2.1 School Activities
 3.3 Medical Information
 3.4 Privacy
 3.4.1 Conditions of School Use
 3.4.2 Refreshing Consent
 3.4.3 Withdrawal of Consent


1.1 Admissions, Enrolment and Re-enrolment
Parents enrol their children at the International School of Madeira through the online
application form and submit the required documentation, usually including reports
from previous schools and any specialist input.

If a place is offered, the acceptance letter will contain the School’s bank details for
payment of the registration fee, which should be settled within 10 days. A school
place is not secured until the registration fee payment has been received and the
Terms and Conditions Enrolment Contract has been signed and acknowledged as
returned to the School.

Paragraph 2.3 below gives details regarding deadlines for re-enrolment or
withdrawal in future years.
1.2 Educational Programme and Placement
The International School of Madeira will accept only those students whose needs
can be met by the School. The confirmation of acceptance letter is offered based on
the information available to the School at the time of accepting the student. The
School reserves the right to cancel the contract if it deems that the information
supplied was inadequate or incorrect.

1.3 Health and Well-being
It is our top priority to protect the health, safety and well-being of our students and
staff. The School adheres to best practices regarding hygiene routines and all
aspects of safety in the educational environment. Parents and students are expected
to follow these procedures.

1.4 Medical
Vaccination requirements are subject to directive from the Portuguese government
and Madeira law. For students to be accepted, relevant vaccination documentation
needs to be provided. Information pertaining to this can be found via the ePortugal
government website. Failure to provide relevant documentation will result in
withdrawal of place and fees may apply.

1.5 Late Visa arrival/refusal
The school will not be expected to reimburse or discount fees in the case of a visa
refusal or late arrival due to visa issues.

1.6 Exclusion from School
The School may temporarily or permanently exclude a student for serious
misbehaviour. This may include violence, intimidation, bullying (including
cyberbullying), any form of racism or other bigotry, serious breaches endangering the
health and safety of others, or blatant refusal to comply with school expectations.
This list is neither exhaustive nor exclusive as the decision rests with the Principal.

1.7 Additional Activities and Service
The School provides some mandatory services and other activities. *Please note
these may change and parents will be updated if any changes are made.
• School uniform (mandatory)
• Lunch (optional)
• Homework Club (optional)
• Extra-curricular activities (optional service with the clubs sent at the beginning of
each term)

1.8 Individual Needs
The International School of Madeira is an inclusive school. On a case-by-case basis,
individual needs should be discussed in advance with the admissions team and the
Principal. Failure to disclose relevant information can lead to a delay in providing
suitable support for the child and can compromise the effectiveness of the class.
Students who join the School and require support to access the English or
Portuguese curriculum may be required to attend additional English or Portuguese
lessons. These are individual conversations and will be held at the beginning stage
of the admissions process. Additionally, if a child joins the school and requires
support to meet the academic standards of the year group, the student will need to
attend additional lessons.
Any additional sessions beyond normal school provision will be provided on the
condition that the additional costs are met by parents/guardians. Exceptionally, the
School reserves the right to terminate the enrolment of a child where the required
additional financial support needed cannot be provided, or the needs change
significantly after the child has joined the School.
1.9 Uniform
All students are expected to wear the official, age-appropriate school uniform and
sports uniform (please refer to the uniform policy for further details). Failure to
comply with the uniform standards will result in termination of contract. A medical
declaration needs to be provided for any exemptions to the school uniform.

1.10 Lunch Services
Meals are cooked on-site by a professional chef. All students have the choice of
using the School’s lunch service or bringing a packed lunch. Parents who opt for the
lunch service may enrol their child on an annual, termly or weekly basis. The
International School of Madeira will, wherever possible, provide special meals based
on ethical, religious, or medical needs. Where an individual child requires a diet
beyond the normal capabilities of our kitchen, parents may need to supply a packed
lunch. For food allergies and intolerances, parents/guardians are required to sign a
catering consent form before meals can be served to a student. A medical certificate
needs to be provided for any allergies/intolerances. The School declines any liability
in the case that medical certificates have not been provided. No reduction or refund
will be considered for absences.
2.1 Fees for Academic Year 2024-2025
All fees are in Euros and are applicable per student.

2.1.1 Administration and Registration Fees
The registration fee is payable upon acceptance, to confirm enrolment, for new
students only. The annual administration fee is applicable to each student at the start
of every academic year. These fees are non-refundable.

One-off Registration Fee €250
Re-enrolment Fee €80
Annual Administration Fee €65
2.1.2 Tuition Fees
2.2 Payment of Fees
Tuition fees are calculated on an annual basis and split between Autumn, Spring, and
Summer, no matter how many academic days there are each year. Siblings receive a 5%
discount for the 2nd child, a 10% discount for the 3rd and each subsequent child actively
enrolled at the school. Fees paid annually receive a 5% discount or 2% discount if paid in
three termly instalments and received by the dates indicated below:
Annual: 30th June
Term 1: 30th June
Term 2: 15th November
Term 3: 28th February
These dates must be strictly adhered to. The School reserves the right to net partial
payments or credits against amounts due before making a refund.

As long as the fees due are not settled, the student will not be authorised to attend
activities, classes, examinations or graduation. Reports, etc. shall not be released
until all financial obligations are settled. Parents agree to pay an annual default
interest of 10% for all late payments.

If the registration and tuition fees as well as any other fees are paid by the employer,
the parents remain responsible for the payment of the fees in case of conflict
between the employer and the Parent.

Please note, upon paying the registration fee and signing this agreement, all
conditions of withdrawal become immediately applicable. All non-tuition fees are to
be paid within 14 days of receiving the invoice.

For families enrolling their child partway through a Term, fees will be charged based
on the term joined, not days attended. Non-tuition fees are required to be paid in
their entirety.
2.3 Conditions of Withdrawal
Any withdrawal or modification must be communicated in writing or by email to the
admissions department, the date of the email or post stamp being evidence. An
announced withdrawal is only considered valid if the International School of Madeira
has acknowledged receipt. Refunds of tuition or mandatory activities fees will not be
considered for any reason, including illness. Re-enrolment to the School takes place
in February. In order to ensure a place at the School for the following year and
enable planning and provision of staffing and resources, parents must re-enrol their
children by 1st March. Prior to the start of the school year, the following cancellation fees will be billed:
Prior to March 1st: No charge
Between 1st and 31st March: 3 months tuition fee.
Between 1st April and 30th May: 5 months tuition fee
After 30th May: 7 months tuition fee
At all other periods during the school year the school year, any withdrawal must be
communicated by the following dates:
Term 1: 31st October
Term 2: 31st January
Term 3: 1st March
If these deadlines are not adhered to, then a 4-month tuition cancellation fee will be

Cancellation fees will be based pro-rata on the annual rate for the academic year.

The School reserves the right to change its (Re)Enrolment Contract -Terms and
Conditions at any time. The present document supersedes and replaces any
previous versions. The School Fees are reviewed annually and subject to change
from one academic year to the next.

Any legal dispute, controversy or claim relating to these terms and conditions is
subject exclusively to Portuguese law and the courts with jurisdiction over Madeira.
Other Fees (annual):
Stationery: €80
English Textbooks Provision: €120
Printing and Photocopying: €60
Insurance: €20
2.4 Late Pick-up Fees
The School understands that there will be occasions when parents/guardians may
be late to pick up their child/children from school and we fully understand the need
for, on occasion, a child to be picked up later than the scheduled hours. Consistent
late pick up will incur a fee with the amount being added to the next invoice. Late collection time charges:
17:00 - 17:15: €15
17:15 - 17:30: €25
After 17:30: €35
3.1 Global Admissions Terms and Conditions
3.1.1 Definitions in the Legal Information

“Parent” means the Parent or legal guardian making this application.

“School” means ISM Education Unipessoal LDA, a Portuguese company number 515045020, operating using the trading name 'International School of Madeira'. 

“Student” means the child/children for whom Parents/Guardians are applying.

“School Material” means the School website and marketing and operational
materials (but excluding School Policies and Rules) provided to Parents/Guardians.

3.1.2 School’s Obligations
The School undertakes to provide tuition in accordance with the School Material. The
School reserves the right to amend the School Material from time to time and any
reference to the School Material herein is a reference to the most up-to-date School
Material. The manner the School provides tuition may be varied by the School
(acting reasonably).
3.1.3 Compliance with School Rules and Regulations
Parents and students agree to:
a) Support and abide by the School’s stated philosophy, goals and objectives;

b) Comply with the School’s behaviour policy/code of conduct and applicable rules
and regulations. In the case of serious non-compliance with the School rules and
regulations, the School reserves the right to suspend or expel the student. In this
event, the School may decide, at its sole discretion, not to provide any refund or
reduction of fees already paid or which are payable to the School.

School Policies and Rules (that are expressly identified as such) shall form part of
these terms and conditions as if they were set out herein. The School shall have the
right to update the School Policies and Rules from time to time. In case anything set
out in School Policies and Rules contradicts with the provisions of these Terms and
Conditions, the provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall prevail.
3.1.4 Collection from School
The School will use its reasonable efforts to ensure that only those persons
authorised by the Parents to collect the Student from School are able to do so.

3.1.5 Approval from Parents
Parents agree that if any matter requires their approval or notification to them by the
School, it will be sufficient for the School to notify or gain approval from one Parent.

3.1.6 Liability Waiver
Parents agree that the student attends the School at their own risk and that the
School is not liable in respect of any injury or liability that may occur to the student
whilst (i) attending the School generally, or (ii) participating in activities (organised by
the School and/ or a third party). The School will not be responsible for any loss or
damage to the student’s personal belongings.

3.1.7 Theft
The School shall not be responsible in the case of items that are stolen or otherwise
lost or missing, including, without limitation, money, jewellery, computers and
personal electronic devices, mobile phones and/or valuable objects. The School has
no responsibility for the safekeeping of personal effects of the student or the
student’s parents.
3.1.8 Payment of Fees
a) Parents confirm that they have received a copy of the fee schedule and
associated terms and conditions of the School (the “Schedule of Fees”), the terms of
which are incorporated by reference herein, and agree that they will adhere to the
terms and conditions of the Schedule of Fees.
b) Parents agree that all fees shall be paid in accordance with the Schedule of Fees.
The School reserves the right to amend the Schedule of Fees from time to time, and
any reference to the Schedule of Fees herein refers to the most up-to-date Schedule
of Fees.
c) The School reserves the right to cancel the enrolment of any Student or not to
accept a Student into the School for any reason or for no reason at any time before
all applicable fees have been paid in full.
d) In the event of any inconsistency between these terms and conditions and those
set out in the Schedule of Fees, these terms and conditions shall prevail.
e) The School does not accept payments from any sanctioned or prohibited parties
(e.g. banks, individuals, or companies) as designated by an official government,
including the UK, EU, UN, US and the relevant local government.
3.1.9 Withdrawal and refund of fees
a) Parents agree to give the requisite notice as set out in the Schedule of Fees to the
School prior to any withdrawal of the student from the School.
b) In the event of withdrawal, the School will only refund fees as set out in the
incorporated Schedule of Fees.
c) In the event of a refund of fees, the School will refund (by bank transfer) to the
Parent/ company whose name appears in the payment document as payer of that
year’s fees without obtaining prior approval from the Parent. The School will not wire
or transfer refunded fees or other monies to another person or entity unless the
Parent/company whose name appears in the School’s payment documents certifies
in person and in writing that the refunded payments can be paid to another person or
3.1.10 Change of Details
Parents agree that:
a) any changes to the student’s particulars, including identifying information,
insurance policy numbers, medical history, food preferences, and allergies, shall be
advised in writing as soon as possible to the School; and
b) any change of contact details and/or emergency contact shall be immediately
notified to the School.
3.1.11 Failure to Disclose
Parents agree that the failure to disclose relevant information (medical or otherwise)
to the School may result in withdrawal of an offer of a place at the School and that in
this event, the School may decide, at its sole discretion, not to provide any refund or
reduction in fees already paid or which are payable to the School.
Please note that all Nursery children who enter the School need to be fully toilet
trained and, if they are not, this must be disclosed during the initial meeting with the
3.1.12 General statement regarding truth and accuracy
Parents confirm that they have legal custody of the student who is applying to attend
the School, or the legal custodian’s consent. They certify that all information
contained in this application/re-enrolment is complete and correct. Should it be
determined that Parents have provided materially incomplete or untruthful
information to the School, the School may decide, at its sole discretion, to cancel the
student’s enrolment and not to provide any refund or reduction in fees already paid
or which are payable to the School.

3.1.13 Enforceability of Terms and Conditions
Neither failure by the School to enforce any of the Terms and Conditions contained
herein or in the incorporated Schedule of Fees, nor oral statements or actions made
by or on behalf of the School, its officers, employees, or agents shall constitute a
waiver of the right to enforce any provision contained herein.

3.1.14 Entirety of Terms and Conditions
Parents acknowledge that these Terms and Conditions contained herein or in the
incorporated Schedule of Fees constitute the entire understanding between them
and the School. No promises, terms, conditions, or obligations exist or are created
other than those contained herein or in the incorporated Schedule of Fees. The
Terms and Conditions contained herein and in the incorporated Schedule of Fees
shall supersede all previous communications, representations, or agreements, either
verbal or written, between the parties with respect to the subject matter addressed
herein. Parents acknowledge that the Terms and Conditions contained herein and in
the incorporated Schedule of Fees may be updated or amended by the School (as
determined by the School at its discretion). Any reference to the Terms and
Conditions or the Schedule of Fees herein is a reference to the most up-to-date
Terms and Conditions and/or Schedule of Fees.

3.1.15 Governing Law
The Terms and Conditions contained herein and in the incorporated Schedule of
Fees shall be governed under the laws of Portugal and the island of Madeira.
3.1.16 Acceptance of an Offer
When an offer is made and accepted, the School will send to the Parent an
acceptance letter, along with further information the Parents need to be aware of. By
enrolling at the School, Parents and the Student agree to abide by all policies, terms
and conditions as may be issued by the School from time to time.

3.2 Authorisation to Participate in School Trips

3.2.1 School Activities

Parents agree to allow the student to participate in all of the School’s compulsory
activities, including residential and outside school trips. The School agrees to give
prior notification for outside school trips. Any costs involved relating to such activities
shall be notified to Parents by the School.
3.3 Medical Information
1. agree that (i) all medical information disclosed to the School is true and correct,
and (ii) a timely update of all changes to medical and contact information will be
provided to the School.
2. consent to the processing of medical data relating to the student.
3. authorise the School and its designated medical care providers to supply medical
care as needed for the student, including but not limited to administration of
allergy medications (such as Epi-Pens or diphenhydramine), bandages,
over-the-counter medications, and other first-aid items or techniques. If, in the
opinion of a properly licensed and practising physician, the student needs
medical or surgical services which require parental authorisation or consent,
Parents hereby authorise, appoint, and empower the School to act as their agent
to furnish on their behalf such oral or written authorisation as may be so required.
4. release and agree to hold the School harmless and indemnify the School, its
officers, its employees, and its agents from any liability or injury which may arise
from the provision of such medical care, whether performed by the School, its
officers, its employees, or its agents, or by any other health-care provider.
3.4 Privacy
The International School of Madeira holds statutory personal information about students and uses photos and videos to promote the School to various audiences, including on its website and through social media. 
Personally identifiable information submitted during the application process is held securely and only transmitted upon request to the office of Secretaria Regional de Educação (SRE) as required by law for the enrolment of students. Personal data is not shared or sold with any other third parties.
All parents are required to sign a consent form pertaining to the use of images/videos.
Parents are not allowed to take images or videos in the school building unless
permission has been granted in writing.
3.4.1 Conditions of School Use
The International School of Madeira owns the copyright of any images taken, and
they will only be used for the purpose/s mentioned above. It is the responsibility of
the Parents or the Student to inform the School, in writing, if consent needs to be
withdrawn or amended at any time by contacting: info@ismadeira.com
The School:
a) will use any images for authorised School purposes only. The School has strict
controls over the type of images published and over the use of photographs and
videos on its website or on other online media and will never sell any materials to
third parties.
b) is guided by all relevant data protection regulations and its privacy policy.
3.4.2 Refreshing Consent
Consent will be refreshed where any changes in circumstances occur – this can
include, but is not limited to, the following:
a) New requirements for consent – i.e., an additional purpose other than described
b) Changes to a Student’s circumstances, e.g., safeguarding requirements, mean a
Student’s image cannot be used; or
c) Any changes in the law

3.4.3 Withdrawal of Consent
If consent is withdrawn, the named School representative above will acknowledge
receipt of the request in writing by letter or email. The School will delete the file from
its image bank within one month of receipt of a request by Parents and will not use it
in any new material produced from the date of the letter. Material previously issued,
which includes the photograph/film, may, however, remain in circulation or online, but
it will not be included in any future reprint.

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